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Vintage Tip Tuesday X

My Mom has expressed more than once of how stylish she thought her mother was in the sixties. Apparently my grandmother, who now wears pink converse and gravitates toward articles of clothing with skulls, once upon a time donned Jackie O suits and perfectly coiffed hair when she would pick my Mom up from school. "I always felt really proud of Mom. She always looked so nice and together," my Mom recollects about once a year. Old photographs of my Grandma prove that she really did have style. I don't have a lot of them, but there are a couple that decorate my apartment. Before the 1970's, mothers tended to dress very lady like. Gloves. Hats. Handbags. Circle-skirted dresses. Hair was styled and a woman never left the house without make-up. Lifestyles have changed, but that doesn't mean we can't look to women of our past for style motivation.

By hanging photographs (not just head shots, but full body shots) of your mother and/or grandmother on the wall, you will not only have the sentimental value of the picture but it can also serve as fashion inspiration. If you don't happen to have any old photos of your mom or granny...or your female lineage does not meet your style standards, than you can just print and frame some of the photos I post below and pretend they're part of your family!

My Grandma Lorna Olson in 1951: A white blouse and belted pedal pushers with white loafers. So chic!

My Grandpa (Pete) and Grandma (Lorna) in 1964: Red sweater with plaid slacks...and red lipstick.