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Model From a Past Era

Although I'm usually making silly faces or posing in some dramatic fashion, I have always loved having my photo taken. Maybe it's vanity, but I tend to believe it's because I wish I had more photos of my Grandma and my Mom when they were younger. Photos that really show off who they were and the fashion of the time. By having my photo taken now, I look forward to showing my kids and grandkids who I was and what I looked like once upon a time. Photos that captured me at a certain stage in my life. A visual for when I tell my stories of the good ole days to my eye rolling family.

My friend Benji let me be his model last month for a vintage photo shoot we did at Union Station in downtown L.A. I brought some of my favorite vintage pieces of clothing and styled them into outfits I thought a woman catching a train in the 1940's would have worn. The lighting and details of the train station decor made for an absolutely stunning backdrop, but it was Benji's talent as a photographer that made the photos alluring. As usual, adventure followed me as we dodged security (we were sans permit) and lugged around my entire wardrobe from each public bathroom to each part of the train station we used as our "set." On lookers stared like I was an actual model. Tourists even asked to take their photo with me...I suppose they thought I was either a famous model (unlikely with me being 5'4") or a character like you would find at any tourist trap along Hollywood Blvd. They were lucky I didn't charge them $1 for a photo op. I haven't had the chance to see most of the photos he took, but I know the memory of me being a 1940's model for a day will be sure to make it into one of the stories I will tell to my grandkids in the way way way future.

Levity 10 Photos
Actor headshots, Pinups, Pets, Portraits, Engagement, Families, Boudoir
Photographer: Benjamin Hisoler (photographs in Las Vegas and Los Angeles)
(310) 560-1147