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A Piece on Haight

Whenever my Mom was getting rid of clothes, or when other people’s hand me downs made a stop at our apartment on the way to Goodwill, I would get such a thrill out of choosing new pieces for my dress-up box. I loved Victorian clothing when I was 8 and 9. By the time I was 10 I had become obsessed with the 1950’s, and at 12 I was a sixties fanatic. Hours were spent dressing-up and creating wonderful female characters that were always strong, kind and feisty. I would stand in front of my Mom’s body length mirror and bring these “women” to life, and it really was the clothes that made these “women.” I would play pretend for hours by myself, but when I had a friend over I could play pretend all day. A friend doubled my imagination. A friend increased the joy I got out of playing dress-up.

This weekend I went vintage shopping in San Francisco’s Haight and Ashbury district. I would have enjoyed the shopping trip regardless, but having Berkeley (or Babette as I affectionately call her) along for my treasure hunt, the day was elevated to memory status. She wasn’t rummaging for the perfect Haight and Ashbury piece, but she was a trooper as she endured my search. Berkeley even tried on a few hats and documented my San Francisco vintage voyage. I finally did find my piece I was looking for…well, pieces. A pair of bell bottoms and a bird blouse. I wouldn’t have found a piece, however, without the peace of having such a patient friend.

*San Francisco shopping trip apparel: 1970's beige vintage sunglasses; gold tiger cub necklace from Modcloth; 1950's vintage peach and floral button down short sleeved sweater; thrifted straight-legged J Brand jeans; beige ankle socks from American Apparel, camel oxfords from Nordstrom; 1950's vintage white and floral beaded purse.

*La Rosa has some beautiful pieces, but it's definitely not easy on the wallet.

*One hat...

*...Two hats...

*...Three hats...

*Now Berkeley's in on the fun...

*Even though the shopgirl was drunk at Held Over, the store itself had some hits.

*This hat?

*That hat?

*I think no hat.

*Vintage brings peace.

*I found me a prairie dress!

*Do you want fries with that?

*This 1970's shirt has birds on it which means it's a must buy.

*I can't tell what kind of a bird...maybe turkeys?

*The pants I scored--they fit my round tush perfectly, they're high-waisted (which I love right now), and they bell bottom out. They really are the perfect pant for a true Haight and Ashbury rocker...which I'm not, but I can pretend.

*Oh, and they're Lee. I've been wanting old school Lee jeans for years. Now, if only I can find well fitting Jordache jeans.

*Static has a wonderful selection...unfortunately I was running low on cash and energy by the time I stepped through their doors.

*Berkeley browsing at jewelry as she waits and waits and waits for me to finish my vintage shopping.

*Taking a break for a bite to eat.

*Berkeley and I at Golden Gate Park.