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Gus Goes Vintage

Audrey Hepburn once said, "Who thinks you're as fantastic as your dog does?" I know there is no one on this earth that could spend every single second with me and never need any space. He wakes up next to me, goes to work with me everyday, takes walks or hikes with me after work,stares at me while I eat dinner, cuddles up next to me as I write or read in the evening, and then eventually falls asleep beside me. For Gus, there is no one better than I, and therefore, I have decided that he probably loves vintage just as much as I.

We often slip into a vintage store or two on our evening walks, and religiously browse the Fairfax Flea Market every Sunday where he gets social time with all the other vintage shopping pups. He eats out of vintage dishes, wears a vintage collar and a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt when the temperature drops, and has a dog bed made out of a vintage suitcase which he is supposed to sleep in but refuses. My truly dapper canine falls in a long line of hip dachshunds owned by some of the 20th century's most famous stars, artists, and writers. Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, E.B.White, William Faulkner, Tony Curtis, Elizabeth Taylor, Carole Lombard, Clark Gable, John Wayne, Brigitte Bardot, Joan Crawford, William Powell, James Dean, Faye Wray, Rita Hayworth, Ginger Rogers, Doris Day, Errol Flynn, Marlon Brando, Jean Harlow, British model Grace Coddington and JFK all had dachshunds that thought they were just as fantastic as Gus thinks I am. It seems their life had at least some joy.

Vintage 1950's small stuffed Parisian doxie I bought at the Fairfax flea market in West Hollywood. It was a must have.

Vintage wiener dog salt and pepper shakers my friend Berkeley bought for me at the De Anza College flea market in Cupertino, CA.

Gus' collar is made from a 1960's vintage tie (bought at L.A.Dogworks in Hollywood.)

Gus' gray hoodie is made from an old pilled vintage Mickey Mouse sweatshirt.

Gus' bed is made from a 1960's olive green suitcase I bought at a San Francisco flea market for $1.

A pillow where packed clothing would go makes for a cozy dog bed.

The pocket inside the suitcase is the perfect place to store his toys but also keep them accessible for him to get on his own when he wants to play.


Picasso and "Lump"

Joan Crawford with "Bubchen" or "Baby"

Carole Lombard with "Commissioner" and "Fritz"

Marilyn Monroe

E.B.White and "Fred"

Brigitte Bardot

John Wayne and "Charlie"

Grace Coddington

William Powell

Jean Harlow and "Nosey"

Elizabeth Taylor

Marlon Brando and "Maria"

Andy Warhol and "Archie" or "Amos"

Ginger Rogers

John F.Kennedy and "Dunker"